Fueled by a pure passion for the craft, Andrew Guan has been honing his knowledge and skills in sushi since high school. He decided on this path in his last year of high school and invested most of his time in learning all the nuances of sushi through research, eating at different sushi restaurants, and training under acclaimed sushi chefs in Vancouver.

In 2022, after already working in Vancouver for 7 years, Andrew decided on a whim to train in Tokyo for one year, at Ebisu Endo under the acclaimed Norihito Endo who is known for his deep knowledge on ingredients. In addition to solidifying his knowledge and technique on fish, Andrew also learned the importance of taking care of the customer and what it means to have a well-rounded restaurant.

After returning to Vancouver and confident in his abilities, he decided it was the right time to open his own shop—which was his goal ever since he decided to become a sushi chef.